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苏州 全自动活塞泵充填机

更新时间:2022-06-12 信息编号:1517275
苏州 全自动活塞泵充填机
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苏州 全自动活塞泵充填机

Automatic Piston Filling Machine 全自动活塞泵充填机 AFL-880 适用范围: 此系列产品适用于充填低粘度和中粘度的产品。此充填机可广泛应用于化工、医药、农药、化妆品和食品等领域。 Applications: This machine is designed for handle water-thin to mid-viscid product. This product can be widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide, cosmetic and food industry. 技术特点: 1. 304不锈钢机身。 2. 可根据不同的物料特性,选用不同的泵活塞环。 3. PLC+液晶触摸屏控制操作。 4. 充填量调整方便,可整体粗调,也可粗调后再针对单独的充填泵进行微调,操作方便,充填精度高。 5. 采取从底部充填的方式,防止起泡。 6. 更换不同规格的瓶子时,无更换任何零件。 7. 无瓶不充填 8. 可根据不同的充填量范围选择A型,B型或C型。 Features: 1. Machine construction in Stainless Steel #304. 2. Piston ring use different material for different application. 3. PLC combined with touch screen control system. 4. Filling Volume can be roughly adjusted together for all the pumps and make fine adjustments individually for each pump. 5. Bottom diving filling type avoids foam during filling. 6. No change parts are required for different bottle sizes. 7. No bottle, no filling safety device 8. Depend on different filling volume range, you can choose A type, B type or C type. 可选项: 1. 进瓶、出瓶转盘 2. 与物料接触部分316不锈钢 3. 透明玻璃罩,安全门(开门停机) 4、异型瓶模具 Option: 1. Infeed and outfeed turn table 2. All contact parts made of Stainless Steel #316. 3. Safety Transparent cover for safe operation circumstance and dust-proof. 4. Special Bottle Shape Mould 技术参数 Specification 型号 Model AFL-840 AFL-860 AFL-880 充填量 Filling Range A: 50-250ml; B: 100-500ml; C: 200-1000ml 气压 Air Pressure 0.6Mpa 电源 Power 220V/1ph/50-60Hz; 充填速度 Filling Capacity 20-30B/min 25-45B/min 30-60B/min 充填头数 Filling Nozzles 4 6 8 充填泵Filling Pump 不锈钢活塞泵Stainless Steel Piston Pump

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