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Shell hot melt film

更新时间:2020-04-19 信息编号:1053745
Shell hot melt film
4,600.00 ≥ 1件
  • 4,600.00元/件

  • film,adhesive,615,



Shell hot melt film

Jsw-Shell hot melt film is a professional solution to the narrow frame of mobile phones. The double-sided adhesive TP is not strong enough, and the frame is too wide, which affects the beauty. JSW company can provide a complete set of solutions to help customers achieve the mass production of narrow frame mobile phones and tablet computers, with high yield, firm and reliable bond, falling resistance, good weather resistance, and can improve the quality of mobile phones. Shell hot melt film product data: Packaging specification (30ml) shelf life (6 months) Opening time (2-4 minutes) solid (100%) Viscosity (110 ℃ / MPA) (4000-6000) odor (none) Specific gravity (g / cm3) (1.12) appearance (Beige solid) The best glue temperature (110 ℃) and the best adhesive gap (0.5-3mm) Temperature resistance after curing (- 40 ℃ ~ 95 ℃) solvent (no flux) The above is a brief introduction of Shell hot melt film. For detailed data, please go to the download window of jinshengwei official website. The following is the informal information of Shell hot melt film for reference only. After the financial crisis, although the global economic form has warmed up, the international demand for Shell hot melt film has gradually decreased. The developed countries are also facing how to restore the declining economy to its original state. The Shell hot melt film markets in emerging economies and developing countries are inevitably affected. For a long time, the United States, Europe and Japan have been the major markets for China's exports. The weak domestic demand and the decline in imports caused by the crisis in these countries will inevitably lead to a decrease in export orders of Shell hot melt film enterprises in China and a sharp decline in exports. Demand in the international market is further shrinking, and China's small and medium-sized enterprises, which export Shell hot melt film industry, are most directly affected. The construction of a new Shell hot melt film brand should first consider areas with developed economy and convenient business dealings before radiating to other areas. Another example is the cultural environment. Whether Shell hot melt film products will be welcomed by consumers will be affected by the local cultural environment. For example, it took a long time for JSW to form a brand influence in China, because there is a process for Chinese consumers to accept Shell hot melt film products or services with a completely new technology. In addition, the enterprise's international environmental analysis is also very important. How a Shell hot melt film brand stands firm in international competition and how to extend and develop abroad requires Shell hot melt film enterprises to make a detailed analysis of the international environment, such as international economic environment, social environment analysis, etc.

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