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615 Bonding Film

更新时间:2020-04-19 信息编号:1053749
615 Bonding Film
4,600.00 ≥ 1件
  • 4,600.00元/件

  • melt,hot,glue,Solid,film,Bonding,615,



615 Bonding Film

With the rapid development of jsw-615 Bonding Film technology, in recent years, window TP lens bonding technology has made a lot of significant progress in China. For example, for the application of PMMA, acrylic, plexiglass, narrow frame plastic parts, digital product display screen, touch screen, TP lens professional assembly project, JSW has carried out many tests since 2012, but no quality problems have been found, some special cases are also the first in the world. Curing performance of 615 Bonding Film: Working temperature (- 40-95 ℃) shear strength (15-22 MPa) Softening point (90 ℃ ~ 110 ℃) elongation (50 ~ 85%) Shore hardness (ASTM b2240) (40d) tensile strength (20-28mpa) The above is a brief introduction of 615 Bonding Film. For detailed data, please go to the download window of jinshengwei official website. The following is the informal information of 615 Bonding Film for reference only. JSW Company has a team specialized in researching and developing 615 Bonding Film. What really makes JSW different is that the company converts individual ambition and desire for wealth and reputation into the company's internal team consciousness. There is no 'I' in JSW, only 'we'. This team spirit makes 615 Bonding Film more professional than other companies. JSW does not promise anyone how much salary it will be based on in the next few years, but gives them a commission based on the profits earned by the salesmen. 615 Bonding Film Products Have Today's Achievements, The Greatest Assets Are Our Staff, Capital and Reputation. If any of these three are damaged, reputation is the most difficult to restore. JSW is committed to fully following the literal meaning and spirit of norms, regulations and moral standards. 615 The continuous success of hot melt adhesive depends on its unswerving adherence to this standard. Most of the small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in internationalized 615 Bonding Film business are driven by interests and have strong spontaneity, but at the same time they have great blindness. The objective of internationalized 615 Bonding Film business is not clear, and they are not familiar with or understand international norms and practices. In order to 'go out', they often grasp 615 Bonding Film projects without analysis. It is often a certain enterprise that gets higher profits through exporting or setting up an enterprise overseas, so other small and medium-sized enterprises follow suit one after another, resulting in repeated construction and similar 615 Bonding Film products! Vicious competition. Moreover, these small and medium-sized 615 Bonding Film enterprises blindly invest abroad, only copying a set of domestic operations abroad, and using the traditional domestic management methods lacks institutional innovation.

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